Social Media Linked to Rise in Eating Disorders
Social media is a big influence on many people. For some, certain types of posts may be triggers for disordered eating or body image problems. me…
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
Social media is a big influence on many people. For some, certain types of posts may be triggers for disordered eating or body image problems. me…
Healthy snacks can be an important part of a nutritious diet, as small bites between meals can help keep our energy levels high. Turns out, our musc…
Data from a new study shows that hearts from COVID-19 positive donors may be as safe to transplant as those from someone without the virus. menst…
Stanford engineers have developed robotic boots that learn how you walk and provide just the right boost for you. menstrual cup menstrual cup m…
A record number of outbreaks has drained the cholera vaccine supply, leading the W.H.O. to ration emergency vaccinations. menstrual cup menstrual …
New data shows that the number of abortions fell by more than 10,000. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup me…
In a vacuum, test score declines look like bad news. But none of this happened in a vacuum. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual …
While social media can help people feel less alone, using it to evaluate symptoms has several downsides. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cu…
In a vacuum, test score declines look like bad news. But none of this happened in a vacuum. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual …
Volunteering may help you live longer and better, research shows. Here's how to get started. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup men…
Researchers worldwide and the World Health Organization agree microplastics are everywhere and regularly ingested by all of us. Some scientists pred…
New research out of the U.K. suggests that in most cases, the symptoms of dementia begin as many as 9 years before the actual diagnosis. menstrua…
Sudden creepy decorations and lots of knocks at the door from strangers can be frightening for someone living with dementia. menstrual cup menst…
A new study suggests that when someone collapses in front of witnesses, the chances of receiving potentially lifesaving CPR may partly depend on the…
Sudden creepy decorations and lots of knocks at the door from strangers can be frightening for someone living with dementia. menstrual cup menst…
Diabetic retinopathy can be a challenge, but with the proper treatment and preventative care (including eye exams) it can be managed. Here’s an insi…
A new study found that more than a third of those who recovered from an infection had symptoms recur days or weeks later. menstrual cup menstrual …
The Democratic nominee’s performance in Pennsylvania thrust questions of health to the center of a pivotal Senate race, adding uncertainty to the con…
The pathogens cause infections that kill millions of people each year and often go undiagnosed. Even when identified, a growing number of infections …
Researchers have discovered a previously unknown part of the brain that lights up when we see food. Dubbed the “ventral food component,” this part r…
The side effect, a buildup of fluid in the brain, led to the death of one of the children and presents a grave setback for a class of personalized me…
With coronavirus stubbornly lingering, pandemic fatigue has fueled widespread longing for the perceived simplicities, innocence, and sense of togeth…
Less mashed potatoes, more roti: Today's senior menus include more ethnic cuisines than ever before. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual …
Discussing your HIV status isn’t easy, but these expert tips and resources can help the process go more smoothly. menstrual cup menstrual cup m…
When you’re diagnosed with HIV, your doctor will want you to start antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as possible -- even the same day, if you can…
With a possible winter surge on the horizon, the president tried to draw attention to the retooled shots, which Americans have been slow to receive s…