As Hospitals Close and Doctors Flee, Sudan’s Health Care System Is Collapsing
The medical professionals who remain face meager supplies and harrowing conditions, even setting up field hospitals in living rooms amid the fighting…
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
The medical professionals who remain face meager supplies and harrowing conditions, even setting up field hospitals in living rooms amid the fighting…
After analyzing genetic data swabbed from a Wuhan market in early 2020, a virologist said it was unclear if animals for sale there had been infected.…
Women’s breasts become less dense with age. Cancer may be more likely in breast tissue that is persistently denser over time, a new study suggests. …
In this webinar, Ann H. Partridge, MD, MPH, explains the different challenges for young people with breast cancer. menstrual cup menstrual cup …
These changes can influence how our bodies respond to illnesses and how researchers explore answers to health issues. menstrual cup menstrual cu…
Another batch of bills restricting medical treatment for gender transitions made their way through state legislatures this week. menstrual cup men…
A court in the Netherlands ruled that a man who fathered at least 550 children in the past 16 years had lied to prospective mothers and fertility cli…
People who spoke two languages daily in their youth tended to score higher on memory tests later in life, the researchers found. menstrual cup men…
The COVID-19 pandemic helped untether the primary care visit from the doctor’s office, empowering patients to demand access to their primary care do…
The drug, tirzepatide, helped patients in the study lose up to 15.7% of their body weight in a phase III trial. menstrual cup menstrual cup men…
Researchers found people who napped 30 minutes or longer were more likely to have a higher BMI, higher blood pressure and other conditions associate…
DNA from monkeys, bats, whales and many other mammals is helping scientists tackle big questions about physiology, evolution and one very famous sled…
The medical community remains split on recommending vaping to help patients who want to quit smoking cigarettes. menstrual cup menstrual cup me…
Depression can ebb and flow. A healthy lifestyle and plenty of social support can help prevent a relapse. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual…
WebMD talks to experts about the possible causes of hair loss in women. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup…
It has grown exponentially since first appearing in India in January, and now accounts for 4.2% of global cases and 9.6% of cases in the U.S. The CD…
WebMD talks to experts about the possible causes of hair loss in women. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup…
New high-tech devices may make it easier for many of the nation’s 21 million people with diabetes to control the disease. menstrual cup menstrua…
WebMD's guide to what's new in diabetes treatment. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual c…
What do scientists know about the harms of vaping? Evidence is still inconclusive and mostly based on cell and animal research, but these early stud…
The California health care organization will create a new nonprofit that aims to acquire a half-dozen additional community health systems. menstrua…
Very young children who have common ear and upper respiratory problems appear to have an increased risk of being diagnosis of autism or showed high …
Measuring biological aging has become so precise with DNA-based technology that researchers showed that trauma or stressful life events can rapidly …
The drug, which will be sold as Qalsody by the pharmaceutical company Biogen, targets a genetic cause of a devastating neurological illness. menstr…
Patients are still suffering from the effects of lung damage linked to vaping, and have been largely ignored by researchers and the government. m…
Everyone wants an edge during the N.B.A. playoffs. Some like naps. Some have lucky shoes. Golden State’s Kevon Looney does “Joga.” menstrual cup m…