With Promise of Legalization, Psychedelic Companies Joust Over Future Profits
Cash rich start-ups are filing scores of patent claims on hallucinogens like magic mushrooms. Researchers and patient advocates worry high prices wil…
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
Cash rich start-ups are filing scores of patent claims on hallucinogens like magic mushrooms. Researchers and patient advocates worry high prices wil…
Our penchant for fear dates back millennia. But new research is testing the theory that indulging in morbid curiosity and scary play can help us bui…
A healthy diet can help support your prostate cancer treatment and boost overall health. Find out what to eat and what to avoid. menstrual cup m…
Biologic treatments for psoriasis can help clear your skin and ease symptoms, but there are some risk factors to consider. Here’s what you need to k…
Some Americans could pay up to $130 to get a COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer starting in 2023, but most will still get it for free. menstrual cup…
When you have prostate cancer, exercise can improve your strength, stamina and mood. Find out the benefits of exercise for men with prostate cancer.…
Employees may not realize they can ask for accommodations, experts say, while inexperienced employers may not know how to help, or what to do with a…
In “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing,” the actor gets serious about sobriety, mortality, colostomy bags and pickleball. menstrual cup me…
Flu cases are higher than usual for this time of year and are expected to soar in the coming weeks. A third virus, R.S.V., is straining pediatric hos…
For more than two years, Covid disrupted social rituals and rites of passage. Now a recent study suggests we have become less extroverted, creative, …
A radiologist with an uncanny visual sense, she revolutionized the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities like Down syndrome. menstrual cup menstrual cu…
Living with Crohn's disease means you need to be flexible in your daily routines. Learn one woman's tricks for living with Crohn's disea…
Crohn's and relationships: How to stay connected and get support. Learn how Crohn's disease can affect interactions with family and friends.…
Kendall Chamberlin, the town’s water superintendent for over 30 years, said he had been lowering fluoride levels well below state guidelines for more…
Tainted syrup from India may be connected to the deaths of dozens of children in Gambia, officials said. Indonesia banned cough syrup sales, though t…
Retrieving viable sperm from men with low fertility and from people who have used estrogen therapy for years has been a challenge, doctors say. A new…
Pregnant women are more likely to die of a drug overdose than the average woman of childbearing age, but less likely to be accepted for medication-ba…
Between 2019 and 2020, more than 11,000 people were treated in U.S. emergency rooms for injuries that happened as they rode a bicycle while high on …
Primary care doctors are unlikely to address the increased risk of uterine cancer in women who frequently use hair straighteners that the study repo…
"Friends" star Matthew Perry almost died from opioid overuse that nearly destroyed his colon. Now he’s sober and telling his story. men…
This FDA approval gives Americans another choice if they want a COVID booster shot. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup m…
How the challenges of redesigning her diet for Crohn's disease inspired one woman to become a dietitian. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstr…
Crohn’s disease can affect your entire body. A doctor explains what to expect. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstr…
A patient with Crohn's disease talks about how she got her life back. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual c…
If you have idiopathic hypersomnia, you might need medication, talk therapy, or lifestyle changes. It can be a challenge to adjust to life with IH. …