Newly Discovered Genetic Disease Is More Common Than Expected
VEXAS syndrome, which causes multiple symptoms, may affect tens of thousands of U.S. men menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual c…
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
VEXAS syndrome, which causes multiple symptoms, may affect tens of thousands of U.S. men menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual c…
The case, brought by GenBioPro, a company that makes one of two abortion drugs, argues that it is unconstitutional for a state to bar access to a med…
Vitamin D is widely promoted for better health, but if you're overweight, you might not reap the benefits. menstrual cup menstrual cup mens…
Losing a loved one to suicide is a loss like no other. Unlike other causes of death (like illnesses or accidents), which happen to the person, suici…
The state is taking action against three major drug companies and the big pharmacy benefit managers in an effort to temper costs for people with diab…
Janssen Pharmaceuticals ended a global trial after independent experts determined the vaccine was not effective. But there are other possibilities in…
A wave of transformative but hugely expensive treatments is challenging the budgets of health systems in wealthy nations. Now countries with far fewe…
An analysis of workers’ compensation claims in New York found that 71 percent of claimants with long Covid needed continuing medical treatment or wer…
More hospitals and medical practices have begun charging for doctors’ responses to patient queries, depending on the level of medical advice. menst…
The majority of youngsters who play video games do so as a form of entertainment, but about 5% to 6% of video game users do so to the point where it…
China is trying urgently to address its declining population. One idea is to subsidize assisted fertility procedures, which are often a last resort f…
Helping someone in cardiac arrest is not as daunting as it seems. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstrual cup menstr…
Abbott shut down production at the plant last year amid “shocking” sanitation lapses, touching off a disruptive infant supply formula shortage. men…
The emerging technology of 3D bioprinting could help scientists discover new therapies, and doctors more accurately predict the best treatment for e…
Channing Muller had her first attack when she was 26 years old. A vegetarian for a decade and a recreational runner, this shocked both her and her d…
Having one’s symptoms dismissed by a health care professional is sometimes called “medical gaslighting." Here's what to know about it. m…
Having one’s symptoms dismissed by a health care professional is sometimes called “medical gaslighting." Here's what to know about it. m…
Reforms embedded in the Inflation Reduction Act will bring savings to seniors this year. Already some lawmakers are aiming to repeal the changes. m…
The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated the promise of tracking pathogens in sewage. Now, the nation needs to act on it, experts say. menstrual cup men…
Warm heart and soul this Valentine's Day with easy-to-make entrees that are as good for you as they are delicious. menstrual cup menstrual c…
Taking dietary supplements alongside cancer therapies can reduce the effects of treatment. Here's how patients and doctors can talk about supple…
While researchers dig deeper into how much water we should have, people should take cues from their bodies. menstrual cup menstrual cup menstru…
The guidance builds on growing evidence, after decades of sometimes conflicting research, that even small amounts of alcohol can have serious health …
The annual sobriety challenge is more popular than ever, but like many New Year’s resolutions, it can end early in failure. But there are still benef…
The federal agency that oversees nursing homes has tightened rules around the use of powerful antipsychotic drugs. menstrual cup menstrual cup me…